Business Ethics


Our ethics framework relies on our values, which are the cornerstone of our corporate culture.

We also embrace the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the eight fundamental ILO Conventions;

We have a zero-tolerance approach regarding to:

  • Corruption
  • Discrimination
  • Child and forced labor


Following on the work previously initiated, the Board approved a new Code of Conduct in 2022. Our Code of Conduct is now aligned with the recommendations made by Business Integrity Myanmar (BIM). It provides clear guidance on how to deal with sensitive topics such as gifts, donations, relationships with public officials, conflicts of interest, etc.

TMH has a zero-tolerance approach to corruption, and it encourages all its staff, contractors and stakeholders to report any suspected misconduct. TMH will always protect reporters from retaliation, when reports are made in good faith.

The Board has also tasked our compliance officer with monitoring its implementation.


Last year, we did not detect any potential unethical behaviour. Likewise, we did not receive any grievances last year.

To enhance our approach, the head of our internal audit team and our board secretary attended a training organised by BIM in 2023. Various topics were covered, such as awareness raising, corruption risk assessment, fostering a speak-up culture, etc.

In 2023, our team will engage more systematically with our staff to train them in business integrity and to reinforce our management practices.